please explain
this statement and also indicate briefly its proof if you can

A body floats in a liquid in a vessel which accelerates vertically with an acceleration less than g. the fraction immersed will neither depend on the sign nor magnitude of acceleration


Fraction immersed depends only on rel density , when vertical acceleration <g
plz help

5 Answers

Philip Calvert ·

this was assertion reason type question

can anyone help [7][7]

Asish Mahapatra ·

See. if the vessel is accelerated, u can try to draw fbd of the body, u will see that wrt the vessel the level of body immersed will remain const. but if accn is greater than g then i dunno.

mkagenius ·

ya thts will only depend on rel acceleration.

see...we knw that g=9.8 m/s2 on earth surface....but it would made no difference
to the floating ships even if it would have been 3.4 m/s2...
assume the new g to b the net gravity acting....
hope u understood....

mkagenius ·

as long as they are in same acceleration fraction emerged will remain the same...

remember archimedes or someone..s ....principle that weight of object=weight of displaced liquid (for floating);

now, mobject*gnew=mdisplaced water*gnew;
=>mobject=mdis. water;

so it does not depend on acc. as long as it is same on both....

Philip Calvert ·

ok i think i got it and i also think it was a dumb question

Thanks for help [1]

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