prove karo to jaanein!!!!!!!

prove that the tension in the two parts of the string are equal!!!!!!

2 Answers

Asish Mahapatra ·

the string is continous naa? then tension will be same.

If u cant understand see like this

Suppose the string on horizontal table exerts force T on the mass m. Analyse the forces on the element dx of string adjacent to that point (i.e. the point at which string touches m). The forces are T to right and T' (say) to left by next particle. As surface is smooth and the string is weightless there is no additional hori. force. So T' = T

Continuing this process the tension will be T everywhere.

In the vertical section Weight =0 So only vertical forces are T upward and T' downward. So T'=T

Celestine preetham ·

gud Q

asish is right

many ppl get confused on the reason why it shud be equal

always remember that

" T of a massless continuous string is uniform as long as some external force like friction doesnt act "

eg T maynot be uniform in a pulley with friction

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