A block of mass 'M' executes S.H.M. with amplitude 'A'. When it passes through the mean position, a lump of putty of mass 'm' is dropped on it.Find the new amplitude.

1 Answers

Aditya Bhutra ·

let the velocity at mean pos. be v m/s

1/2 * k *A2 = 1/2*M*v2 ... (i)

after adding the lump , M' = M+m

from C.O.M ,
Mv =(M+m)v2 ...... (ii)

now new amplitude = A2

1/2*k*A22 = 1/2*(M+m)*v22 ... (iii)

from the above eqns. i) ii) iii) ,

A2 = A √MM+m

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