Any Doctor!!


My PC just switches off without any shutdown or anything in between and it happens only during day.. at night it never..

When i looked in matter it was something to do with CPU temperature.. In BIOS it shows 950C :O
Don't Know what it will be in summers..

It worked fine for 4 summers but now in winter it is heated that much.. [2]

CPU fan is running as usual about 2500-3000 rpm (as far as i remember)

Whats the problem[7] [2]

5 Answers


purani cheezo ko aur kitne din chalaoge mamuuu... [3] [3]

buy a new pc... best solution... [4] [4]

Lokesh Verma ·

check the dirt on the fans...

The SMPS fan...

Does ur comp hangs?

Siddharth ·

make sure there is no cloth or obstacle on the outlet of air from the CPU. It some times happens because the obstacle stops the air from going out.. So the CPU gets heated up.. I had the same problem..

Abhishek Priyam ·

My PC Back in business with new energy.... [1]

Abhishek Priyam ·


some thermal greasing or don'y know what problem...

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