ur wlcm...
Hey frnds,
I have collected some important and not-so-known points of organic chemistry from my notes and assembled them here.
1-Carbocation stability- Ring expansion should always be given higher priority than tertiary carbocation.
2- If some unknown reactants are given to U and if U cant decide how to start, always give first priority to an acid-base reaction.
3- Carbene(:CCl2)- Triplet is more stable than singlet.
For :CF2- Singlet is more stable than triplet as it can have back-bonding in singlet carbene due to the presence of an empty orbital.
4- Benzyne - The inductive effect(and not resonance) of the group attached to benzene decides the orientation of incoming reagent becoz the triple bond of benzyne is sigma bond and not pi-bond.
5- In Ph-NH3+, NH3+ is slightly more para directing than meta(EXCEPTION).
1-Tautomerism - Acidic H should be released only from saturated C and not from unsaturated C.
2-Geometrical isomerism is not applicable in alkynes.
3- For a compound to be optically active, it should lag both plane of symmentry as well as centre of symmetry.If anyone of them is present in compound, it wud become optically inactive.
1- 1,2 v/s 1,4 addition
Mechanisms are shown in figure.
1,4 product - Thermodynamically stable and is produced in long duration(for example-in reaction with NaBH4).
1,2 product- kinetically stable and is produced in short duration(for example- in reaction with LiAlH4).
=> Generally thermodynamically stable product is given.
2- U all must have read the preperation of alcohol by ketone and grignard reagent. There's an exception to this reaction-
Ketone = Me2CH - CO - CHMe2
Grignard Reagent = Me2CH-MgBr
In the reaction with these reagents, alcohol is not formed by the usual mechanism in which R- attacks C=O. In this reaction, the ketone is reduced by H- from grignard reagent. The concerted mechanism in shown in figure.
If we take a ketone/G.R. bigger than this one => No reaction.
If we take a ketone/G.R. smaller than this one => Normal reaction
Means, the steric hindrance of both the molecules matter and not only anyone.
3 - Luca's test- We all know that 3o alcohols give immediate turbidity with luca's reagent. BUT there are 2 more alcohols which are not 3o but still give immediate turbidity with Luca's reagent(dont ask me the mechanism ). They are-
Ph-CH2-OH and CH2=CH-CH2OH
4- Williamson's Etherification - The halide used should not be aryl halide becoz the reaction wont take place due to partial double bond character of C-X bond by resonance.
Till now I have been able to collect only these points. Will post more as soon as I assemble them.
Hope these points help U in ur exams.
All the best!!!
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4 Answers
Superb, Prateek. Really useful. The only thing that i knew already was the 4th one.
Nice work.........keep 'em coming [4]