its better to remove personal count of pinks
I am contemplating removing the user count of pinked posts...
Shamefully what is happening is that many many users here are worrried about the number of pinked posts that they can garner and not the number of things they have learnt..
THis goes for some really good users and some not so good users as well..
I am thinking of simply removing the count for every user and the TargetIIT kingdom altogether and reverting to the pinked posts feature...
I want your opinions on the same....
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22 Answers
Totally agree with bhaiyya ...
remove all this Counting and Kingdom stuff and revert to the previous system
WHY sop much fuss here??????????????????
sir is only removing personal count of pinks...which is good.....not the pinking system..............
and no that boinking system definitely not needed here......
and also answers will be pinked only by authority to the users acc. to me..
boink will bring abt two competitions
1.The highest pink post[already]
2.The most -ve pink post...
so i think that wouldnt be f9...we can always have the pink posts without getting numbered!!
dude actually boinking is the worst ever system,i felt.See everyone do mistakes na,So for a average student like me will get more boinks than pinks,
yes u can remove the user count of pink posts but pls do keep pinking the important posts..
Let the pink-post remain. But remove the TIIT kingdom and its hierarchal system.
Yes bhaiyya, even I agree with you, as there are some users who get de-motivated when they feel that their posts deserve a pink but do not get so.............
If this move reduces the activity @ Tiit(which I dont think will happen), we can have a rethink..........
ya i also agree....i myself dont like this pink system....
well i didnt even know how posts got pinked until recently.....
so really no use......
but some new system must be thot of to mark the right answer without it showing up in the profiles......
and there are still many questions in the forum whos correct answers have not been marked.....
pls if u can do will be a gr8 help.....
Yes sir it is a good idea.
The only disadvantage is the pink post was like a competition to some by removing it will reduce the competitive nature of a few.
What of an "Accept Answer" option like that present in goiit?
I think if a wrong answer is accepted by the qsn asker, it's the admin's duty to set it up.
And no showing in user-profiles, how many accepted answers u hvae...pls!
I think this will serve both as a confirmer of correct answers & yet promote the idea of discouraging pinked posts!
Regarding whether poinked posts should be removed or not, I never had any thought on such a situation...(in fact I never cared to do so either).....A person's merit need not be based on how many pinked posts u get man....
Remove it, if it harms the present spirit, keep it if it does not.....
sir u shud completely remove that pink concept if its disturbing the system ...but u shud hav some thing thru wich we can come to kno that this is a correct answer of this question ...
I agree with u sir
That's a good move
We are not here for pinks (or just getting our posts pinked) but instead we are we here to learn and share our knowledge. [67]
yeah nshant sir says the right thing..last yr nothign was like one cared for pinks....there was healthy compettion....
and yes times have changed this yr....but still they are in no need of scrappign it unless anotherbetter alternative is found......
Initially I was strictly against the concept of pinks...and I protested against introduction of such system....becoz i felt it would dilute the whole site and make it like goiit where people ar ready ot kill each other for pinks...
But my opinion has changed a lot since then......Since the control of pinks is in hands of admins no fights over that and no cheating...
Aslo pink posts saved a lot of time of mine becoz i didnt have to readf the solved questions completely..I could just read the pinked post an thats saved the hassle of reading the whole discussion of a ques...(in which some posts are useless even [2][2])
Yes it has increased competiton among students for pinks..but its a positive one....not negative...[1][1]
though some disadvantages are there like some small fights or complains over non pinking....
but advantages are i dont think there is any need of removing this system in current situation[1][1]
No Qwerty it is not about you..
You have not seen this site last year..
There were so many users.. no one wanted to see pinked posts as a benchmark..
The spirit was very goood.. I somehow see this site drifting the goiit way if i dotn make sure some things are put in order...
There were so many so many users who would do things for learning..
THis year there are a couple of users who are like "I know it all"
Last year even Celestine who got a rank in top 50 never had this attitude.. He used to help whenever was possible for him and was very humble and modest..
THis year some users are like "you are an idiot" and "I am the msot intelligent person ever born" which irks me a lot .. Even prophet sir and Kaymant sir have echoed similar sentiments...
That is why your feedback is very improtant..
It doesn't matter who's pinking the posts & how many pinked posts we get
But Nishant Sir plzzz c to that alll correct solutions r pinked so that v can get our methods &
solutions corrected or rather confirmed !!!
sir u still didnt get wat i wanted to say .....
i thought my answer was wrong hence i said abt that pink one ...... sry about that though [2]