the reply after bhatt sirs post @goiit is really really amusing :D
Some days ago one student there posted a prob to be solved
I (Hari Shankar there) foolishly got tempted to post a solution, perhaps out of some misplaced idea that it may help the guy.
But seeing his remark right after my post i realised this is hopeless.
targetiit has a classy crowd and i pray it stays that way!
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lol!! This is similar to what happened to me in college a few days ago...during computer programming class, I'd already finished writing the program in 5 minutes. I have a habit of indenting(writing the code in structured format). A college mate then said to me "yahan space kyun daala tune yeh galat hai" (C language programming btw). I held my laughter somehow.
I guess mom wasn't wrong when she said you deserve a better college..
even here ... students even after three weeks of classes dunno basic C syntax. (at least I know the basic syntax though im learning C for first time)
and yeah hope TIIT really stays the way it is