mtg am i rite ronald :P
These are few sums on probability from Chinese Olympiad..
1. If a stick is broken in two at random,what is the average length of the smaller piece ??
2. A railroad numbers its locomotives in order, 1,2,....N. One day you see a locomotive and its number is 60.Guess how many locomotives the company has.
I know the final ans.
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11 Answers
neways how can u give a numeric value,,give in terms of the total length of the stick. always [1] ..u think such sums can come in any exam ( apart from Fiitjee Aits ofcourse ) ??
Q2 already done
avg length of smaller piece =\frac{\int_{\frac{-l}{2}}^{^{\frac{l}{2}}}{\left(\frac{l}{2}-x \right)dx}}{\int_{-l/2}^{l/2}{dx}}=l/4
no. 1 cn b done in simpler way.....max length of smaller prt=half..........min=zero
so avg=quarter.
no subhomoy.. the answer may be correct.. but why is the answer the average.. you need to justify that by adding a small line