If p and q are any two positive integers ,show that (pq)! is divisible by (p!)q.q! and by (q!)p.p!
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(pq)! = (pq)(pq-1)...(1)
note the above expansion will also contain q! ~~~~~~~(X)
also the above expansion has pq terms
so the terms can be grouped into q groups with p CONSECUTIVE terms each
now you must be knowing product of k consecutive terms is a multiple of k!
so p! divides each group.
and there are q groups in all so (p!q) divides (pq)! ~~~~~~~~~~(Y)
from (X) and (y) we get
(p!q)q! divides (pq)!
the second part can be proved similarly
this proof is on the lines of prophet sir's proof here
This proof holds only when p and q are relatively prime whereas a combinatorial argument will easily show that this is true for any pair (p,q)