[1].....I think this shud be right...!!!
I was trying via coordinate, finding equations of straight lines n their intersection n all tht sort of stuff ...he!he!.. (probably 'coz i've been doing it the whole day 2day) [3]
One of my old doubts ; still unsolved....
(P.S. I don't have the answer)
Tht wud be the case when the lens is along the x-axis n the rays are striking at an angle "@"......this one shud be entirely different frm tht case....
the rays are coming from ∞ ... so the image will be formed at focal plane.. try to find where...
Just a sec, it'ud be better if v exchange the axis symbols (x to y, & y to x) ,to reduce a bit of the confusion...
Didn't mention- The middle ray is striking at the optical centre.......
So it should go undeviated, which wud impliy tht if an img is to be formed, it is to be formed along the x-axis....
oops.. even i confused over x-and y-axes.
well i was out of my mind when i wrote the above crap.
Yeah the middle one will go undeviated. So the image will be formed on the x-axis.
xcos@ = 10
=> x = 10sec@
So the coordinate is (10sec@,0)
[1].....I think this shud be right...!!!
I was trying via coordinate, finding equations of straight lines n their intersection n all tht sort of stuff ...he!he!.. (probably 'coz i've been doing it the whole day 2day) [3]
but consider one situation
but the above answer doesnot satisfy this condition