thnx Ashish !
anyone for the first q. ?
Q1. Light is incident from glass to water.Find the range of the angle of deviation for which there are two angles of incidence. n(water) =4/3 . n(glass)=3/2 .
Q2. An object P is focussed by a microscope M. A glass slab of thickness 2.1 cm is introduced between M and P. if R.I. of slab is 1.5 , by what distance should the microscope be shifted to focus the object again.
Q3. A particle goes in a circle of radius 2cm. A concave mirror of focal length 20 cm is placed with its principal axis passing through the centre of the circle,perpendicular to its plane. the distance between the pole of the mirror and the center of the circle is 30 cm. Calc. the radius of circle formed by the image.
2. We want to find the apparent shift in the position of P, so that the microscope can be adjusted accordingly.
Shift in P = (1-1μ)2.1cm = 13*2.1 = 0.7cm
3. Consider the figure,
Distance of O from the pole = 30cm
Image distance for O= 60cm
Now consider the radius OR. Consider it to be an object of size 2cm.
Image of OR will form 60cm from the pole as found out earlier .
Therefore , hi= -4cm
Radius of the circle formed by the image will be 4cm.
well Just started optics.....!!
A nyc deal to start with..
let me cover optics as fast as i can.......
Its Interesting.. :) :P
By d way nyc explanation Ashish...