sorry sir i was wrong while i typed..
Photons of energy 5e.V are incident on cathode.Electrons reaching the anode have kinetic energies varying from 6e.V to 8e.V.wat is the workfunction of the metal.Electrons r acc through a potential difference of 5V
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22 Answers
Energy provided is 5eV and energy provided by photons is 5eV
So work function is 10 - 8 = 2eV
Sankara, I know it's wrong but is this the right answer?[3]
u didnt consider that the electrons are accelerated by a potential difference of 5 V
the energies of electrons varying from 6ev to 8ev so the min energy of electron is 6 ev so energy given by the battery is 6 ev so max kin energy of electron ejecting from cathode is 2 ev so work function is 3 ev
its all pbm with the question sir,i have edited that sir...please see it sir
might be i am not good in it but again i am getting it iam giving u my soln
hey the overall look of this writing box has somewhat changed!!
sorry sankara can't see your image
philip try to look at the range it will give the potential of the battery then u can calculate the ans
Won't the work function be maximum K.E - incident energy?
Because maximum KE is obtained when the photo electron has to overcome only the work function [1]
i think in the diagram we can see that there will be an electric field acting as well!!
but nothin else is given [2]
how can be the kinetic energy of the electrons greater than that of the energy of the incident light.
it is fixed sankara.. there was a small bug due to an upgrade.. in the post sender..
upload the image in orkut(if u have account) and use image link it will show up perfectly
philip i have already inserted the image 2 times.but it is not showed in the post, so confused.......