snell's law states that "k sin @" is a constant.
if k1 is the refractive index of air & k2 is of glass,
then k1 sin i=k2 sin r
if i=0 ,then r=0;and we cannot conclude anything about the value of k2.
can ne1 tell me...... is μ a material property.......???
nd suppose the ray of light is coming from air to glass..... with an angle of incedence i and having angle of refraction r...
then by Snell's law... we can write : μ = sin isin r
suppose i=0.... implies r = 0
then numerically we get μ = 00.... which is inderminate..
wht can be the proper solution for this......
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6 Answers
mediums can be regarded as the vehicle on which light propagates...
as on various vehichles u have various velocity of propagation, similarly light has fixed velocities for each of the medium it travels through!!
the indexing of the velocities in each medium is done by assigning a fixed number to each medium commonly called the refractive index of the medium...
the indexing of each medium is done such that the ratio of the refractive indexes of the two mediums is equal to the ratios between the velocity of light in the two medium...
the above mentioned historical snell's law is nothing but a mathematical implication of the meaning of the refractive index of the medium...
can be proved using huygen's principle of light wave, fermats principle etc etc!!
snells law is only a mathematical way of representing the refractive indices of media...
it may or may not give the true result as in case of i=r=0°