if i post the sol.........cn u explain it?
actually i cld nt understand the solution........
Q For a transistor amplifier in common emmiter configuation for load impedanceof 1kΩ (hfe=50 and hoe=25) the current gain is?
also post the sol........
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5 Answers
Lokesh Verma
·2009-01-08 09:42:51
sorry honey cant help on this one..
had it in IIT 1st yr.. but dont remember even a word from it! :(
Honey Arora
·2009-01-08 09:48:43
Lokesh Verma
·2009-01-08 10:07:00
i can try .. but cant assure that it will be worth your hard work...
still i will try to give it my best shot
Honey Arora
·2009-01-11 19:47:25
In CE configuation, Ai=-hfe/1+hoeRL
Solving we get ans..........bt 4m whr hs tht formula being derived?