no,organic.question is right. well,in C6H5COOH, the benzyl group has high electron density,due to resonance.thus,it acts as an electron releasing group,decreasing the acidic strength of the compound.thus, HCOOH is a stronger acid.
7 Answers
i think it is the other way round........pls.check up the question once more!!!!!!!!!
how can that be??C6H5- group has -I effect and also due to +R effect the anion should be more stable having many resonating structures........
hello debanjana.......your last post(#5) is not clear.....please edit it and re-post!!!!!
as per aieeee,C6H5- acts as electron releasing group but it has -I effect which should make any acid strong.also C6H5COO- will have many resonating structures and should be very stable...
The presence of an electron releasing gp at the -cooh gp decrease its acidity think of inductive effect.
Actually aieee benzene will have the less electron density bcos charges are delecalised and so the no of the electrons per nano square will be less compared to cl and other electronegative atoms so it is a poor electron releasing gp.