yes the unreacted sample was that is alkene was isolated and then it was analyzed and the analysis showed that it contains no deuterium
addition of D20 TO 2 methyl 2 butene (in presence of D+) gave alcohol
(CH3)2-C(OD)CHDCH3 . when reaction was analyzed it was found it contains almost no deuterium what does this tell about the reaction mechanism ? please guide as if have no idea about organic [2]
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when reaction was analyzed it was found it contains almost no deuterium
can u elaborate on this?
i think the ren mix. should contain deutarium as.
if u say as hydration -dehydration arre in equili: then
u'll ge (CH3)2-C=CDCH3(as c-h bond is less stronger than c-d bond)
an d again after one hydraton u'll get
so the ren mixture should contain deutorium
Plz correct if i am wrong
assume we hw taken equal quantities of D2O and the alkene now the reaction proceeds with formation of carbocation as D+ gets added so the entire D2O gets used so wen we test for D in the reaction sample it gives a negative test....
i am speech less on this prob. as according me under all circumstannces d must be preasent over there
i know that is why i am so tensed why it is not there they asked that d is not there . then wat does this tell abt mechanism, ?? [2] some one pls reply [2]