this is the structure
for A ----step up by 1 carbon
for B-----step down by 1 carbon....simple stuff [4]
Q D-erythrose is treated in different beakers with
1)HNO3 forming A
2)Br2/H2O forming B
a)Comment on optical activity of A,B
b)A dicarboxylic acid .T/F
c)B forms lactone . T/F
show me the structure of d-erythrose,,,i donot know what the hell that is !
(1) looks to be a variant of killiani fischer and (2) is ruff degradation !
ya it is the same thing...kiilian fischer and ruff.....
but i too dont have structure....and i also couldnt understand both these methods..
this is the structure
for A ----step up by 1 carbon
for B-----step down by 1 carbon....simple stuff [4]
taht step up step down thing is clear...but i always place OH and H group on wrong OH on left side and H on rite side .......plz help..