it will be alpha hydrogens...wont it?
crotonaldehyde(CH3CH=CHCHO) and Cinnamaldehyde (C6H5 CH=CHCHO) give aldol condensation na
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6 Answers
·2009-10-10 09:02:45
no, cinnamaldehyde does not go for aldol ! it doesnot have γ- hydrogen atoms !
·2009-10-10 09:10:37
γ- hydrogen atoms!!!!!!!!!!! yaar now why these hydrogens are needed for aldol plz explain
·2009-10-10 22:32:04
ya guys he obviously meant alpha-hydrogen..there is nothing called y-hydrogen.
·2009-10-11 09:38:23
ALDOL CONDENSATION IN α,β unsaturated aldehydes occurs only when γ-hydrogen atoms,that undergo condensation with carbonyl group of the other molecule in presence of base !