14 Answers
Pritish Chakraborty
·2010-03-02 08:48:19
Yes C) is Hoffmann elimination. In C), loss of beta hydrogen occurs from least hindered area.
C, D for sure.
Pritish Chakraborty
·2010-03-02 09:55:35
A) mein Hoffmann too?
Oooo...I get it! Ester pyrolysis...of course its Hoffmann elimination! OAc likha tha so I didnt realise :D
Pritish Chakraborty
·2010-03-02 10:02:00
Yes. By hydrogen bonding, a beta hydrogen syn to the double bonded oxygen forces an elimination in presence of heat.
Pritish Chakraborty
·2010-03-02 10:04:43
And ya one more thing...notice that CH3 is attached to the beta carbon left of OAc...by Hoffmann rule, that beta hydrogen will be avoided. The beta hydrogens below will be used!