Well , the presence of electron releasing groups in the dienes and electron withdrawing groups in the dienophile accelarates the rate of Diels - Alder reaction , not the other way round as you have written : ) .
The correct order is:
(A) x>y
(B) x<y
(C) x=y
(D) can't predict
i think its x<y coz i have read that electron withdrawing substituents in the diene such as CHO , CN , NO2 etc. promote the reac.
and also by presence of electron releasing groups in dienophiles......but the answer given is x>y
can anyone explain why??and also i'll be glad to know why these electron withdrawing substituents in the diene such as CHO , CN , NO2 etc. promote the reac.
and also by presence of electron releasing groups in dienophile this happens??
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2 Answers
·2011-03-18 01:34:09