1) double bond in between two cyclohexanes with one of the OH remaining.
the product formed is?
find the product formed.
3.cyclohexyl chloride is hydrolysed to hydroxycyclohexane slowly, but the reaction fastens when KI is added,because
a.ionic compds.accelerate the reaction
b.in the presence of K+I- ,Cl- becomes a better leaving group.
c.cyclohexyl chloride is unstable in the presence of KI
d.the cyclohexyl iodide formed with KI is more reactive than the corresponding cyclohexyl chloride.
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5 Answers
john,sky......bot of you r wrong,options are
1.double bod formed btwn 2 cyclohexanes.
2.the 2nd cyclohexane bcomes 7membered ring with 1 C-O double bond present in the ring.one carbon atom bcomes commn to this ring & the 1st cyclohexane
3.the 2nd cyc.hexane bcoms 5-membered with one C-O double bond &1 carbon atom is commn to this ring&1st cyc. hex.
4.both the rings bcoms 5 membered,are connected to each other by single bond with 1 OH group present on each of these rings