wel.....after resonance C-C gets a partial double bond character which is shorter(hybridisation purpose).....so it decreases while d C=C gets a partial single bond character.....so shorter..........thts all
After resonance c-c bond length decreases but c=c bond length increase why?
can you give example..........?
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"ond character.....so shorter..........thts all"
so longer u mean akand be careful even with mundane things [4]
resonating structures have same bond length
do u have any objectioon with that[7]
no objection..........but they are shorter than C-C and longer than C=C...any objection wid that......??????
ya and ritesh had a doubt in d FACT.............so was just explaining him a FACT.............wher u popped one more FACT.........so wat?
bhaiyya......................pink.......for d first post..................
hehe..............i just love pinks.................they satisfy me hehe thnx a lot bhaiyya