polar protic-sn1
polar aprotic-sn2
CAN any one tell me something abt. using polar protic & polar aprotic solvents???
also give ex. of each ...
which is used in SN1,SN2??????//
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6 Answers
·2009-10-13 06:17:02
polar aprotic mei metal part is dissoluted by the lone pair...for example ethers...or THF...so the nuclephile is fully free to attack!!
while polar protic mei there is H bonding!!
Arshad ~Died~
·2009-10-13 06:17:13
polar protic-h2o,R-Oh,Ch3COOH
polar aprotic-acetone,DMSO,DMF
polar protic solvent stabilizes carbocation,nucleophile and and leaving group,so it favours SN1