No. of enolates

The total number of enolates that can be formed, when 2-Butanone is treated with a base is

The answer is given 3 but I got only 2.
Does the answer include the Cis trans isomer of one of the enolates?
They form isomers and not different enolates, do they?
Please elp me in answering such questions!

2 Answers

Pritish Chakraborty ·

One enolate could lead to different enol isomers, yes, but I don't see how that makes 3 enolates. It should be two enolates, IMO.
Enolate refers to the anion which is formed on losing the alpha hydrogen. I think they mean 3 enols are formed from 2 enolates.

swordfish ·

Yeah that seems to be a plausible reason...thanks bro !

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