i havenot studied "biomolecules" till now.....so i cannot help !!!! .....biomolecule is as idiotic a chapter as is the whole of biology
an aldoheptose has x stereoisomers and a ketoheptose ha y
Find x/y
the answer is not 2/1
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3 Answers
·2009-08-22 05:02:14
there are
1) 16 pairs of 32 stereo isomers in aldoheptoses
2) 8 pairs of 16 stereo isomers in ketoheptoses
·2009-08-22 06:57:40
·2009-08-23 21:34:31
first of all how did u get those figures bro??
the answer is given as 1/2. How do u justify that with ur answer??