u do the total question dude. and ya i gave u the total question. no more info required.
on analysis a mono carboxylic acid was found to contain 40% of carbon, 6.66% of hydrogen and 53.34%of oxygen. 0.985 g of its silver salt gave on ignition 0.54 g of metal.on treatment with HI the acid was converted into another acid. the original substance on heating lost water and left a third acid.what is the structural formula of eaach of the compounds referred to in the question.
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3 Answers
·2009-02-17 04:13:10
dude Isn't more info required ?
the first one is c7h14o7 I think . is it right?
·2009-02-17 04:15:18
·2009-02-17 19:20:55
the first one is 2-hydroxypropanioc acid . then first post was a bad blunder. then everything follows no ?