ya.......and the cleavage thy show is nt like normal ethers........as double bond is there....right na???
in vinylic ethers...why does cleavage does not take place whn treated wid conc HI soln...
on the other hand normal ethers show cleavage....???
and do vinylic ethers show cleavage only when treated wid dil acid????
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4 Answers
IN CASE OF(Cleavage)
pri. - smaller group
sec. - by SN2 controlled by steric factor
tri.- by SN1 controlled by formation of more stable carbcation
for vinyllic ethers thjis does not happen with conc. acid but with dil. acids because conc. acids oxidise the viny. ethers fast thos no actual cleavage takes place
if in a compound oxygen or nitrogen is present and a double bond thn proton will attack on double bond na???
no it will attack the oxygen molecule to form an alcohol and it will atack the N to get an amide or an amine according to the reaction conditions ISN't