2) lower solubility due to zero dipole moment.
1) Out of C6H5CH2Cl and C6H5CHClC6H5
which is more easily hydrolysed by aqueous KOH. (please explain whether it is SN1 or SN2 for each)
2) p-dichlrobenzene has higher or lower solubility than those of o- and m- isomers ?
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4 Answers
Vivek @ Born this Way
·2012-04-03 03:56:19
For 1st one, the former compound is hydrolyzed by SN2 while the latter is by SN1.
mohit_ sharma
·2012-04-03 12:09:18
Is there any role of melting point in deciding solubility in 2nd question ?
How to decide whether 2° alkyl halide uses SN1 or SN2 mechanism if type of solvent is not given ?
Vivek @ Born this Way
·2012-04-04 00:00:40
In general, Solvation is a solvent phenomenon and is mostly by SN1 mechanism. If nothing special given, then go for SN1.