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How do we assign R S notation to 3-d molecules??
If we want to convert them to Fischer projection formula then how do we do it??
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b4 i start u tell me 1 more thing
u know how to decide the priority of gps attached to C i mean to number them acc to their atomic number(ie about the CIP series )
Can you also please tell how to convert Fischer projection to dash and wedge notation?
i ansered that bt it got deleted
anyways 1st of all number the 4 gps surrounding the c atom 1,2,3,4 where 1 means gp having highest atomic number
CASE 1: lowest priority gp on verticle axis
now find the rotation while moving from 1-2-3
---------if rotation is cloakwise then its R otherwise S
CASE 2:if lowest priority gp is in horizontal axis
-------------if rotation is clockwise then its S otherwise its R
In 3d molecules what U can do is rotate molecule in mind so that lowest priority grp is just opposite to U and then see if its clocksiwe or anti clock wise... then no need for two cases :)
this method is gr8 i myself convert fischer to 3d and then find out R S...
I'll post an image to make it clear if anyone wants....
For converting fischer to dash wedge....
in Vishal's fig U can X,Y,A,B above the plane and the chiral carbons as it is and the one at top and bottom below the plane.....