13 Answers
·2009-02-14 11:59:39
i guess bichmein bhi double bond banega even though itz unstable
·2009-02-14 20:41:23
should i give the ans.....so that u tell me the mech..
tapanmast Vora
·2009-02-14 20:49:38
yah dude jus c properly.......
u'll find dat if da central double bond is broken it forms 8 mmembrd ring wid 2 opp c=O
in da other double bond its simple ozonolysis.......
nice questrn.....
mine ans was incorrect as such ringed structures r haghly strained and so not quite plausible
and sanka's ans was corrct but usually all da options in ozono questns will b hydrocarbons so it didnt feature as da ans
·2009-02-18 06:49:09
this one is a real nice question of all that i had seen in ozonolysis :) :)