2) decreases because negative charge on chlorine is lowered
1) The benzyl cation in C6H5CH=CH-COOH is:-
(a) Linearly placed w.r.t benzene ring and carboxyl group
(b) Triangular shaped
(c) Tetrahedral in shape
(d) At 90 ° to the plane of benzene ring
2) The dipole moment of vinyl chloride due tot resonance :-
(a) Increases
3)Which of the following statements are correct?
(a) The C - C l bond length is short in CH2 = CH C l when compared to that in CH3 CH2 C l
(b) The C=C bond in CH2 = CH C l is longer when compared to that in CH2 = CH2
(c) The dipole moment of CH3 CH 2 C l is greater than that of CH2 = CH C l
(d) All
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7 Answers
3) answer is `d`
a) is correct due to resonance , cl is much more attached to the neighbouring C
b) doubl e bond is longer because of resonance and hence electrons are delocalised
c) vinyl chloride dipole moment decreases as i explained in above post
I think for 1 st prob the Bz ring & Carboxyl grp r in same plane but the double bond would b in a perpendicular plane !!
Hence the ans