question is in the image. please also explain.question is in the image. please also explain.
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2 Answers
Swarna Kamal Dhyawala
·2013-01-26 04:32:46
Sn1 reaction → CH3oCH2 Cl
Sn2 reaction →CH3CH2CH2Cl
- Anurag Ghosh Why Swarna Kamal??......I mean how did u say dat??Upvote·0· Reply ·2013-02-04 05:16:38
- Swarna Kamal Dhyawala @anurag propyl group has +I effect so it will easily lose chlorine and form 1 degree carbocation and also after 1,2 methyl shift it would form 2 degree stable carbocation . so the reaction would be carried out in 2 steps therefore it wud be sn1 reaction but in the second case it is not easy to form carbocation (due to presence of oxygen )so it wud follow sn1 mechanism
- Anurag Ghosh In that propyl chloride,d rearrangement of carbocation has to be accepted as a step??......I mean as soon as d carbocation(stable) is formed,it should immediately get joined to a nucleophile na??.....Sn2 reaction is a 1 step reaction and 2nd order reaction na?
- Swarna Kamal Dhyawala ya i m sorry by mistake i wrote wrong Sn1 reaction -CH3CH2CH2Cl Sn2 reaction -CH3oCH2Cl