The flow sheet below is meant to be used from left to right. That is, the first step is to classify the halide structure (are unimolecular or bimolecular reactions more likely?) Then, assess the nucleophilicity vs. basicity of the nucleophile (is substitution (more Nu:) or elimination (more basic) likely to predominate?) And so on....
Just remember the following:
- Nucleophiles are basic and bases are nucleophilic, but can be classified as more nucleophilic than basic, or visa versa. [Hint: HO-, RO-, and NH2- are strongly basic; the others aren't.]
- Solvents can be classified as protic (having an OH group) or aprotic (not having one).
different from the one found in goiit
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1 Answers
good use. i think it will be good if u paste a copy of this in my chemistry hub too as all things will be at a place.