maybe its a typo guys...leave it [1]
whats this C2 ???reading it first time ....
is this same as HVZ reaction ???
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11 Answers
actually 1 guy at goiit was once asking wy isnt there a sigma bond in C2 .....[12].. lol
are sachme .....and there came another guy who started supporting that anti sigma wala ..... lolz
see ck dis out guyz
hey guys one thing u need to understand do u know einstein,he was also not gud in his studies once,don underestimate or overestimate or make fun of one's qn or one's knowledge,if u don like that one just leave it.
agree about the underestimation part, but everyone needs their lighter moments.
dude i din blame ne1 or hurt ne1,it was a suggestion.Even i was in such a situation once,sometimes it prevents u to get knowledge.