"i" depends on the Degree of dissociation.
TriFluoro one will ionise the MaX. 'coz of the stabilisation of the -ve charge acquired,, due to gr8test -I effect.
the depression in freezing point (for the same amount of each) is:
acetic acid<trichloroacetic acid<trifluoroacetic acid...explain
NCERT Class XII part 1 pg. 61 q)2.31
dep in fpt depends on Kf of solvnt whch depnds on nature of solvnt.
guess its corrct
"i" depends on the Degree of dissociation.
TriFluoro one will ionise the MaX. 'coz of the stabilisation of the -ve charge acquired,, due to gr8test -I effect.
correct avik....
actually for monoprotic acid like acetic acid and its derivatives...
hence (alpha) proportional to acidic character proportional to depression in freezing point.....(it can be any colligative property!!!)
yup since ΔTf = Kf mi
i = vant hoff's factor , m = molality , Kf to aaap jante hi hoge
and i =[1 + (y-1)x] where x is degree of dissociation and y is the no. of product molecules yield by 1 mole of reactant [1]