no shreyan
btw what ans u get using that philip ??
equal vol of 2 soln of pH=2 and pH=5 are mixed/Find pH of resulting soln..
is the solutions fully dissociating as in strong acid or is it a weak acid?
If strong acid then Philips anser is correct.
Not at all possible.. More data is missing then
It can never be basic.
@asish how the answer would change if the acid is strong,can u explain a bit more.
answer will change if acid is/are weak .. for strong wat has been done is correct i think
see strong acids and weak acids were based on pH values na.
in the first soln we have [H+]=10-2 per lit
in the second soln we have [H+]=10-5 per lit
finally we have [H+]=1/2(1.001 x 10^-2)
so pH≈2.3