its an iit q (1996)
27Al13 is a stable isotope,29Al13 is expected to disintegrate by
A. alpha emission
B. beta emission
C. positron emission
D. proton emission.
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6 Answers
·2010-02-14 02:31:52
@Asish α emission increases the n/p ratio..whereas β emission decreses it..initial n/p = 1.23
29Al13 → α + 25Na11 n/p = 1.27
29Al13 → β + 29Si14 n/p = 1.07
Manmay kumar Mohanty
·2010-02-14 05:07:59
Definitely B) is correct since in case of B) n/p ratio is 1.07 which is said to be more stable than 1.27 .
Shantanu Thakur
·2017-09-17 09:58:05
But when β particle is released, the atom itself will change right? Will it not become Silicon atom?