NO initially u was defined as mass of 1/16 th of mass of one Oxygen atom.u is the mass of a binded proton in the nucleus also ..therefore altering u affects the universe also.
what is the difference between atomic weight and gram atomic weight of any element???
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some one plz also explain the above question also -difference between atomic weight and gram atomic weight.
prateek im talking about when C-12 came to are right that many other elements like oxygen and nitrogen were chosen initially but im talking when it was confirmed that carbon has to be used as the reference element then at first that assumption was made....
Atomic weight when expressed in grams is known as gram atomic weight.
prateek it is not at all creating a new universe ...u (atomic mass unit) was totally defined by scientists and it is not a thing that exists in real so that we can't define it as we want to ........rather, initially u was defined as 1/24th by mass of one C-12 atom by scientists but then it was defined as you know it now(ie 1/12 th by mass of .....) to increase the precision in the calculations even if you define u in some other way there would be no change in universe but there would be just a change in the value of atomic mass unit and thus there wud be change in atomic masses of elements ...for eg if you take a new unit in place of atomic mass unit.say 'nu' which is 1/24 by mass of C-12 atom......then the atomic weight of all the elements would become twice of that which is now(for eg atomic weight of hydrogen wud be 2 nu rather than 1 u)
and yes
N0 u = 1gram
so .. u = 1/N0 gram..and is the mass of a proton..
value of u is like this because it is defined that way ...u define it some other way change in universe ......u is not like mass of an electron(or mass of anything) which has to be same as it exists
@ Vaibhav ::u cud have used dozen instead of using avogadro still won't affect ..anything.....HOWEVR WHAT GETS affected is the number of moles in the first case..and in second case ..where u=1/9 of the mass of one atom of C-12 isotope ...u have created a new UNIVERSE ..and dat qn is imaginary bcoz
N0 u = 1gram
so .. u = 1/N0 gram..and is the mass of a proton..
so plz ask meaningfull qns which are applicable to the real world..
Let take a case of Na
Atomic weight of Na=23 amu
gram atomic weight of Na=23 g
Weight of N atom of a substance (N=Avogadro Number) is the gram atomic weight of the substance!!
So in the question, if the avogadro number increases to 10N then the gram atomic mass will become 10 times for obvious reasons! (why?)
Atomic mass equals the no of particles having mass 112 of a C-12 isotope required to balance 1 atom of the given substace in a beam balance!!
Now if we change the convention to 19 of the mass of C-12 isotope, then obviously the number of particles reqd to balance will become 34 times original number,,,thus the atomic mass will become 34 in the new scale!!!
gram at wt: The atomic weight of an element expressed in grams, that is, the atomic weight on a scale on which the atomic weight of carbon-12 isotope is taken as 12 exactly.
at wt: Ratio of the average mass of a chemical element's atoms to ¹â„â‚â‚‚ the mass of an atom of the carbon-12 isotope.
another question
Q-1 In what ratio by mass are O,O2 and O3 present in 50 gm of pure CuSo4.5H2O ?
ok guys here's the question due to which i asked this question:
Q-1 What will be the change in value of (i)atomic weight and (ii) gram atomic weight of any element if
(a) value of Na(avogadro no) becomes 10 times ie 10Na
(b) value of u/amu (ie 1/12th by part mass of one atom of C-12 isotope)is
made equal to 1/9th by part mass of one atom of C-12 isotope.
u kno wat atomic weight is rite???
ratio of the average mass of atoms of an element (from a given source) to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of carbon-12 ....
its dimensionless....
and gram atomic weight is the weight in grams which is equal to atomic weight...
eg. O atomic wt is 16 amu...... so numerically, if u take 16 grams of O..that will be one gram atmic wt..
and atomic weight will consider all kinds of isotopes also,,
look it is numerically equal to atomic weight but there must be some importent difference
no of moles ????
are u sure??
i dont think so
i asked the difference but at the end you said
"Gram-atomic weight, amount of an atomic substance whose weight, in grams, is numerically equal to the atomic weight of that substance."
this doesn't tell the difference
this tells that they are totally same
are they????
Atomic weight, mean (weighted average) of the masses of all the naturally occurring isotopes of a chemical element, as contrasted with atomic mass, which is the mass of any individual isotope.
Gram-atomic weight, amount of an atomic substance whose weight, in grams, is numerically equal to the atomic weight of that substance.
Eg - 1 gram atomic weight of atomic oxygen is 16 grams(atomic weight).