molecular orbital

Will the molecular orbital structure for N2- and O2+ and NO (all three have same no. of electrons) be same or different? What about their bond order?

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6 Answers

aieeee ·

all three of these are linear in structure.

and ya, all three of them will have same bond order of 2.5.

just hving a doubt about O2+. this mmmmmight be an exception with bond order 1.5. i'll check it out

gagar.iitk ·

via M O T everything is same about them

gagar.iitk ·

M.O.T deals with no of electron and no of centers only (although not applicable as IIT is concern)

Asish Mahapatra ·

but sir, I had given a test (probably here) that said that the MO structure (elec. config) of N2- and O2+ will be different.

For O2+ it will be similar to O2 but with 1 elec. less
while for N2- the config will be similar to N2 but with 1 elec. more

And str. for N2 and O2 are different

gagar.iitk ·

no not via M.O.T and regarding C.F.T also the case of di-atomics or two centers remains the same

Asish Mahapatra ·

ok thx sir

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