Ratnadeep ji I am talking about the radius of the nucleus.And please explain in detail.My mind is somewhat short and bad.
In Rutherford's gold foil experiment when a alpha particle approaches a nuclei then
r0 is the distacne of closest approach.
This distance is nearly 10-14m.So the radius of the nucleus should be less than 10-14.
But now let's play with the value of v keeping other things constant.Well!For different values of v different values of nucleic radius will be obtained.So radius of the nucleus need not to be this much.What's happening here?Could anyone help me?
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4 Answers
....when u r subjecting da alpha particle with a very high speed then its tendency is to keep its velocity constant(newtons 1st law of motion).....when u subject it slowly then it can be easily brought to rest by a little restoring force...SO if more velocity it will penetrate the electron cloud if less it would be not penetrating to that extent.......!!
I think you should not think like this.Think as I am saying.I think you did not read the problem correctly.We are talking about the distance of closest approach.That will change if we change the velocity of the particle.And my question is we can have more values of r0,thereby giving more values of radius of the nucleus even for one atom.But how can one nucleus can have different values of its radius.
depending upon da initial velocity it will PENETRATE THE ELECTRON CLOUD accordingly........listen me to wat i say....we r nt getng da diffrnt radii of tha particular atom......
got wat i tried to say.......