Why doesn't 1 mole of water in gaseous state fall while 1mole of water in liquid fall from same height?
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2 Answers
the volume occupied by a mole gaseous water is much larger than that occupied by the liquid form...
so if we consider the gaseous water as a cohesive system(i e considering a space only contains steam and nothing else) it experiences upthrust more than or equal to its weight thus it doesnt fall... but for water the weight is always more than upthrust provided by air (even if the water forms a bubble!!) thus, liquid water falls...gaseous water doesn't!!
Hi Sobhomoy
We know that 1 mole of water weighs 18 g whether it is liquid,gas or solid because water molecules posses the same molecular formula in all the three states.So weight of the water whether it is in liquid state or any other state should be tha same.So why is the weight of liquid water more than gaseus state if both possess same moles.