Solutions(help me out)

1.If a solute undergoes dimerization & trimerization the minimum values of Van.t Hoff factor are....

2.A complex is written as M(en)y.xBr.Its 0.05 molar soln shows 2.46 atm osmotic presure at 300 K.Assuming 100% ionistion and coordination number of metal is six compound may be....

4 Answers

Manmay kumar Mohanty ·

let a compound be A which dimerises and trimerises
for that reaction can be written as

2A → A2
A → 12A2
so i = [ 1 + ( y-1)x ]
where y = no. of mole of product per mole of reactant and x = dissociation constant...
so i = 1 - x2

similarly for trimerisation

ajoy abcd ·

2nd one???

Asish Mahapatra ·

P = iCRT

=> 2.46 = i*0.05*0.0821*300
=> i = 1.997 ≈ 2

derfore molecule dissociates into two parts.

So, the compd is of the type


now 2x+y = 6 and y ≠0
=> y = 2/4

If y=2, x=2
So, complex is [M(en)2Br2]Br

or [M(en)Br4]Br

ajoy abcd ·


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