Q:2 Among the 4 gases only Xe is reactive and so it undergoes chemiabsorpion.......think so...
Q:1 Ithink (a) is the ans.
1. Among the following, the surfactant that will form micelles in aq. solution at the lowest molar concentration and ambient conditions is
a) CH3(CH2)15N+(CH3)3Br-
b) CH3(CH2)11OSO-3Na+
c)CH3(CH2)6 COO-Na+
d) CH3(CH2)11N+(CH3)3Br-
2.Which of the following gases is adsorbed to the max extent
a)He b)Ne c)Ar d)Xe
3. Is adsorption a property of sols ? Justify.
Q:2 Among the 4 gases only Xe is reactive and so it undergoes chemiabsorpion.......think so...
Q:1 Ithink (a) is the ans.
Q:3 In sols the protective agent like gelatin(lyophilic sol) probably function by getting adsorbed on the solid surface to prevent the approach of solid particles of the sol to cause coagulation. So, adsorption is a property of sols.
would like 2 discuss more abt this topic with u..........
longer the alkyl chain, more is the hydrophobisity. .... so c.m.c. is lower and hence option A...