1) How can we say that entropy is a function of probability of
thermodynamic sate?
2) Ludwig-Boltzmann statement for Second law of thermodynamics(SLOT):
"Nature tends to pass from less probable to more probable state"
How is this statement in accordance with other statements of SLOT?
3) How dS ≥ dQ/T is mathematical statement of SLOT ?
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2 Answers
(2)Yes,it is in accordance with the other statements of thermodynamics becuase the second law of thermodynamics says that the entropy is increasing.Entropy is the measure of the degree of disorderliness.It means that the degree of disorderliness is increasing.Consider a container which is filled with water at 298 K.The probability of finding molecules of water is less in this case.But as the temperature is increased to 373K then the whole water is converted into water vapour and there is more probability of finding the water molecules as the molecules have gone too far.Water is having less entropy and steam is having more entropy.Hence this statement is in accordance with the other statement of the second law of the thermodyanmics