1st question Answer should be (12*3*1)=36
Ques 1) Mr. Intelligent was going for a morning walk and he met Mr. Puzzle. Mr. Puzzle asked " I have three sons and product for their ages is 36 , so tell me their ages ". Mr. Intelligent thought for a moment and asked for one clue. Mr. Puzzle instructed him to look at the house number of the roadside house and said that the house number is the sum of the ages of children. Knowing the house number, Mr . Intelligent calculated for a minute and asked for one clue but at the same moment Mr. Puzzle was puzzled by a phone call on his cell phone and he replied , " I am sorry ! I cant give you any more clue since my eldest son has gone though a serious accident so I am moving to hospital " . Before, he left the place Mr. Intelligent found the answer. How ?
Ques 2) The son of a professor's father is talking to the father of the professor's son, and the professor does not take part in the conversation. Is this possible ?
Ques 3) Is it possible to arrange six long round pencils so that each of them touches all others ?
Ques 4) A black car with dark screen glasses was running on the pitch black mountain road. The road was surrounded by dark jungle. And the sky was covered with dark black clouds. A black lady cladded with black blanket was standing in the middle of road. The brakes of the car screamed and car stopped just in front of the woman. Why ?
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21 Answers
I know the answer of Question 2. The professor is a female professor. Her father's son, or her brother is talking to her son's father, or, her husband. Therefore, the professor is not in the conversation.
I know the answer of Question 2. The professor is a female professor. Her father's son, or her brother is talking to her son's father, or, his husband. Therefore, the professor is not in the conversation.
Angikar Ghosal Sorry, in the third sentence , it will be her husband.
Upvote·0· Reply ·2014-04-29 07:25:08
should be 6 , 3 , 2
if it is 9 ,2,2 or 6,3,3 then might be twins are born
Himanshu Giria how 6.3.3. = 54 /=36
In the first Q the ages could be 4,3,3 too.
Their sum gives 10.
Or it could be 9,2,2.
Their sum=13.
Or it could be 6,3,2.
Their sum=11.
[The prof. never said that his 2nd and 3rd son are of the same ages.
So they might be of different ages too.]
yea, possibly she was singing, or the radio in the car was on and loud, hearing which the woman sensed someone coming and shouted to stop.
The car had a radar....very much possible
or maybe she was singing(indication of too much-OH- functional group in the body)
The pencils are round if the transverse cross section is considered.
[At least I think so].
Some pencils look like a cylinder.
(circular body if cross section is considered.)
[except well known brands like apsara, nataraj, etc.....]
Hope Jai Hind understands what I mean to say!!!!!!
dont tell me that u cant see anything on a cloudy day,cute..
anyway tushar whats the anser to this?
The tips of the pencils are placed in such a way that the pencils act as radius of a circle.The tips touch each other.
1)The house no. was 13.
He was confused between the 6,6,1 and 9,2,2.
But when he heard "eldest son",he knew it had to be 9,2,2.
2.very much possible.Hint:Professors are not always men.
Anonymous Read the question properly