John can send the ring in a locked box the key to which only John has. On getting the box Mary can put another lock on it the key to which only she will have, then send it back to John. Then John will unlock his lock and resend it to Mary with Mary's lock still on. On getting the box Mary will be able to unlock it as she has the key.
there is a city..which is full of thieves....john wants to send a ring to mary...but since the city is full of he put the ring in a box...and put a lock on it...if he sends this to mary...mary cannot open it since she is not having the keys...and also..sending another box containing the key..with another lock over it..would not solve the u help john to send this ring to mary...????
(they are not thieves.....)
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10 Answers
If it is a modern city, John attaches a machine to the box which would scan the holder's retina. If the scan result matches Mary's retina, it would open otherwise it wont.
And if the city is old-fashioned, he need not give her a ring, he might just propose her with flowers.
Vinayak Agrawal And if you ask how the machine would get Mary's retina pattern initially, John calls her and asks her to come home and takes her retina scan. Note: I could have used fingerprints too but in a modern city, the thieves would be able to forge the fingerprint of anyone who has touched the box (which Mary would have certainly done at John's home.
Upvote·0· Reply ·2013-12-27 06:04:44Vinayak Agrawal And if you ask how the machine would get Mary's retina pattern initially, John calls her and asks her to come home and takes her retina scan. Note: I could have used fingerprints too but in a modern city, the thieves would be able to forge the fingerprint of anyone who has touched the box (which Mary would have certainly done at John's home.
Vinayak Agrawal Sorry for the the repetition of the same comment twice. Laptop hanged
WOW....u r watching CID quite frequently these days...huh..???...impressive idea...but..u just think that if john called mary to his house ..... then why didn't he simply gave her the ring at that time only...he could have saved a lot of not installing the system.......
still..again i appreciate...ur idea..but...u r thinking beyond john's BUDGET...
well...i have the key to this question...but still wanted everyone to workout with their brains to help out john... :p
then john would have to tell mary to break the box which contains the key....!!!!!!!:D
Astha Gupta i guess if mary can do that..then probably the thieves can also do that... wat do u think..???..
jinia pal hote pare....tai ami bollam to je nije solve koro......
It is so simple!!!!!!1111
John,the idiot, goes to Mary's home and gives her the ring.
Vinayak Agrawal Sorry for the four "1"s. They don't mean anything. However, this can be a puzzle too. Can you guess how they came up??
Mary would have loved that.....if John went to her house...but as I said that that the city is full of thieves so probably the thieves may loot him on the way....then...what will he do...??? option was a strong box with a strong lock...I mean really strong...hard to break....
Your thinking was gud and simple......
But....try to solve it in the 'box and lock' way.....
Vinayak Agrawal Small question: Is this a modern city like California or is it a goddamn old-fashioned city like Kolkata??
Astha Gupta its an ancient city named....THEIF-LADELPHIA...... :P