
If a and b are 2 integers such that 7 divides a2+b2, show that 49 divides a2+b2

(Slight olympiad tilt here)

5 Answers

msp ·

a≡k mod(7) and b≡p mod(7)

we have a2+b2≡(k2+p2) mod 7

its given dat (k2+p2)=0 so k=p=0

so a,b shud be a multiple of 7

we got a2+b2=49(integer).

Lokesh Verma ·

sankara.. it is not given that k2+p2 = 0

but it is given that k2+p2 ≡ 0 (mod 7)

You have to slightly work on your argument from here...

1.618 ·

any hint?

Or any link to understand congruency?

Devil ·

Squares are congruent to 1,4,2 modulo 7.

So that means 7|a and 7|b.


Hari Shankar ·

a^2 +b^2 \equiv 0 \pmod{7} \Rightarrow a^2 \equiv -b^2 \pmod 7

\Rightarrow a^6 \equiv -b^6 \pmod 7

If 7|x, then x6≡0 mod 7. Else by Fermat's theorem x6≡1 mod 7.

You can easily see now that we must have 7|a and 7|b for the above equation to be consistent.

This is true for any prime of the form 4k-1.

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