Abhishek Priyam
·2008-11-22 23:11:05
I'm getting two answers one in term of and other in term of b....
Ï=2bε0/R2 ...........R is radius of ball.
Just compared the given potential with the potential at any point at a r distance inside sphere (r<R)
that also depends on r2 that gave me a hint....
Lokesh Verma
·2008-11-22 23:28:29
yes dude.. Good work..
i wud say this.. the answer is there in Irodov..
I want slightly detailed proofs :)
I know this is not very tough. Atleast not at all as tough as it looks..
·2008-11-23 02:15:40
now by gauss law, ∫E(r)ds=∫d(qin)/ε0,
now, d(qin)=4Ï€r2 Ï(r) dr,
so, -2aR*4Ï€R2=4Ï€/ε0 0∫Rr2Ï(r)dr
by newton-leibnitz formula, -8Ï€a3R2 =4Ï€/ε0 R2Ï(R)
so, Ï(R)=-6ε0a.
Sarath George
·2008-11-24 08:44:04
how did abhishek got two expressions for p
Lokesh Verma
·2008-11-24 08:45:15
hey i din notice abhishek had 2 expressions :D
ther is only 1 corect answer.. the one rohan gave :)
Abhishek Priyam
·2008-11-26 00:30:11
opsie I didn't want to solve it so just compared it with cooked result for the shell.......
and compared the result at a distance (r<R).....
as the given V was also proportional to r^2 and for uniform charge distribution also V is proportional to r^2 ........ :P