A pirate has buried his treasure on an island with five
trees located at the following points:
A(30.0 m,20.0 m), B(60.0 m, 80.0 m), C (10.0 m, 10.0 m), D(40.0 m, 30.0 m), and E(70.0 m, 60.0 m).
All points are measured relative to some origin. Instructions on the map tell you to start at A and move toward B, but to cover only one-half the distance
between A and B. Then, move toward C, covering one-third the distance between your current location and C. Next, move toward D, covering one-fourth the distance between where you are and D. Finally, move toward E, covering one-fifth the distance between you and E, stop, and dig.
What are the coordinates of the
point where the pirate’s treasure is buried?