Is the answer correct
What is the minimum force needed to move a block on the ground?
Hint: Answer is not μmg!
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6 Answers
Arpan Banerjee
·2009-03-21 08:15:06
Answer wiil be a value less than μmg.
This is because if the force is applied at an angle θ,then the vertical component of the force will to some extent minimise the weight mg of the body thus reducing the normal reaction and hence the friction.
Arpan Banerjee
·2009-03-24 00:42:50
Sorry Sir need to upload an image to clarify it properly.Update the "Upload Image" tab in the above menu.It is not working
Kartik Sondhi
·2009-04-30 03:50:16
tan θ =μ.
therefore sin θ = μ/μ2+1
minimum force is equal to mg*sin θ=mg μ/μ2+1